Friday, August 29, 2014

Lattice Stars Quilt

My fast the week went.

I was busy quilting though. I got my Lattice Stars quilt top done.
This is a beautiful scrap quilt and I just love it. All those little squares and half square triangles finish at 2". Took AGES to put together, but the results were worth it.
I have included a close up of the block so you can see just how I put it together.
I used everything in this quilt top....there are even quite a few Christmas prints and you just don't see them very easily once all those little units are joined together.
Don't you just love how the secondary pattern that appears once the blocks are assembled looks like Lattice?

Everything came from my stash. I also got the backing pieced and the binding made and it's all hanging together in my quilt closet ready to be quilted. The quilt measures 64"x76"...a good size for a throw quilt.

This makes #4  on my 30 Quilt Challenge I have given myself to complete by March, 2015.

 A close up of one of the blocks. All 2" squares and HST units. There are some moldy, oldy scraps in this quilt. I love that I have used them up and they will live on in this quilt. I even used some yellow scraps left from making myself a blouse when I was 24....I'm....UM.....older now. :)

Another block just for a different view. Opps, looks like I got two of the same fabrics close together.....but you can't notice it in the finished quilt. I just noticed it now in this close up picture!
I am very, very happy with the way this quilt has turned out. I can't wait to get it quilted.

But quilting it will have to wait!

They say the universe hates a void and will fill it as quickly as possible.
Well wouldn't you know it....I no sooner had this quilt off the design wall when another bunch of blocks just jumped right up there!!!!
I had no other choice but to start petting them and adding a few strips of fabric here and there.....and low and behold, there is another quilt top taking shape.
Wait until you see this one.....I think I'll keep the mystery to myself a while longer though.

Quilty Hugs to everyone.....I hope you are all busting stash along with me.


  1. Wanda, I LOVE this quilt! You go girl, you are definitely on a roll! Just wish we lived closer so your quilting bug would rub off on me ;)

  2. Wanda, I just love looking at all your lovely pieced tops and know you will reach your 30 goal by next March. Have a great weekend, stitching away!
    Hugs, Loretta N.
