Thursday, August 21, 2014

What's on My Design Wall?

I am having such a great week....getting lots of quilting time in!

I finished piecing my Ripple Wave quilt. I did run into a wee, small snafu pieced outside border didn't quite fit...I had to ease it in. That darned narrow inner border threw things off by about 1/2".

But "done" is better than "perfect" in my I am happy with the way it is.

I have already pieced my scrappy binding from saved binding endings from other quilts over the past few years. I didn't take a picture of the will have to wait to see that until after the quilt is quilted, which might be a little while as I will probably wait until I get my new longarm.

 I searched around in my stash and came across this Christmas fabric by Marcus Brothers. So this quilt is getting a Christmas-y backing. But wouldn't you know it! Not quite I went rooting again and found another piece of Christmas fabric that will work with it. I will get the backing pieced, then hang finished quilt top, backing and binding on a clothes hanger in my quilt closet, ready to go on the longarm machine when the time comes.

Now while piecing this Ripple Wave top I ran out of a "leader/ender" project.
As I had lots of "crumb blocks" or "poverty piecing" as I like to call it I decided to do something else with them.
I trimmed my block centers to 4-1/2" square. I did 48 blocks. 
I cut 1-1/2" strips from black fabric and sewed to 2 sides of 24 of the  blocks, trimmed them, then sewed strips to the remaining sides. Then I went digging in my stash for something to frame the remaining 24 blocks and came across this fun, bright green. 
 I was having so much fun with this little quilt that it kind of took over and was no longer a leader/ender project. LOL

 Isn't it just too cute???  The blocks are up on my design wall, ready to be sewn into rows. This will end up big enough for a cuddle quilt for a small child.
So here is another really cute idea for those "poverty pieced block" that are so fun to make with all our scraps.

While searching in my stash today looking for backing fabric I came across all these fabrics I had bought to do Stack & Whack quilts. Now I am addicted to Stack & Whack quilts!!!!! I can never get enough of making them. I love seeing how each block will turn out....every one is a mystery!

So quess what my quilter's brain is thinking about next???

Happy Quilting everyone.


  1. Hi Wanda

    This has turned out very well. The contrast between the black and the lime green just brings it all together.

  2. Thank you is now a completed flimsy, with pieced backing and binding done, hanging in my quilt closet ready to quilt....on to my next project.
