Monday, August 11, 2014

My Beautiful Mother.

As promised here is another story.
It's about my Beautiful, Dear Mother.
She was a healthy, vibrant, active woman of 77 years of age.
In December, 2013 she was experiencing back pain. The doctor said it was her sciatic. She visited the chiropractor a few times but the pain only worsened.
One morning she woke unable to get out of bed and called an ambulance.
She was admitted with a compression fracture of her vertebrae.

Later tests revealed she had Stage 4 breast cancer that had spread to her spine.
She underwent surgery January 11, 2014 to have titanium rods placed in her back to stabilize it. Three of her vertebrae where impacted by the cancer. That surgery was followed by 5 radiation treatments.

This photo was taken in early January just days before her spinal surgery.

The medical team didn't recommend any further surgery. By this time the cancer that started in her breast had spread to her spine, lungs, lymph's and liver.

Mom underwent 3 courses of chemotherapy pills. Tests revealed that treatment had not changed any of the tumors.
Recently she has had 2 rounds of chemotherapy by injection.

This photo was taken about a month ago. Mom has experienced significant weight loss. She is very weak and fatigued.
She is now living with my youngest sister. We fixed a room up for her with a hospital bed and she finds it very comfortable.

I made Mom that quilt for Christmas five years ago. It has been on her bed since. This is just one instance of a quilt bringing comfort. Now that same quilt gives her a sense of familiarity in her new home. My sister placed a dresser and night table in her room that matches the quilt perfectly. We had fun getting this room ready for Mom to come home from the hospital. Mom says she looks at the "Family is Love" on the wall every day and thanks God that she has so much love from her family.
That is a tiara on her pillow....we tease her that she has become a bit of a Princess since her illness. A tiara only seemed fitting. LOL
This photo of Mom, myself and my youngest sister Temple was taken just days before Mom came home from the hospital.

Mom's hair had started falling out from the chemotherapy, so yesterday while I was visiting I shaved her head and my sister made Mom a little head cap. 

She looks pretty happy with her cute little cap on.

I will update you on Mom's journey periodically. 
I love this woman so much!!!
She raised eight wonderful, strong children of whom I am the oldest. 
Three girls and five boys.


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