Sunday, September 21, 2014


Whew, I have been on a roll. I thought it was time I came up for a breath of air and did a Blog Report.
I finished piecing the top for my Wild & Wonky Safari Quilt.

This blog post is photo heavy!!!

Here is what it looked like when I dug it out of the UFO bin. Lots of blocks pieced and a couple rows sewn together.

 Beside the blocks on the design wall you can see all the "fillers" I plan to use in the quilt.

Most of these "fillers" are leftovers from a Seminole Wall hanging I made a few years ago as a class sample.

I never throw anything away as I know at some point in the future it will be the perfect thing I need in a quilt.

 Here is a close up photo of a few blocks, leftover seminole fillers, and poverty piecing.

More blocks and fillers, seminole piecing leftovers.

Another seminole strip that I framed in black because it wasn't quite big enough.

The finished quilt top!
I happened to find a batik in my stash that worked great for borders. 

Here is the very technical way I figure out borders. :)
Determine the measurements of my quilt center. 
Add up these numbers....width x 2 + length x 2=border length needed. I generally add an additional 20 inches to this number to account for the extra I will need because once I put on my side borders then I have a larger measurement needed for my top & bottom borders. Easy math.
Take that final figure and divide it by 40.....because most fabric is about 42" wide and I allow for trimming off selvages.
The answer you get is how many strips cut across the width of your fabric you will need to cut for your borders. 
 In this case I needed 8 strips.

Measure how much fabric I have......I happened to have just a smidgen over 40 inches.
Divide 40" by 8 (number of strips I needed).
I could get eight 5" strips from the fabric I had.
So my quilt got a 5" border. DaDa.

The borders look a little wonky, but I think it is just the way I have it on my design wall. I'll fix that when quilting it.

Some close up shots of the finished quilt top. I really love this quilt.
 This quilt will get a black binding.
The backing and binding are already made and the entire "quilt package" is hanging in my quilt closet ready to go on the longarm machine.

I've gotten lots more done in the past few days, but I will do a separate blog post for each quilt. Just so this one isn't too long.

Quilty Hugs, 

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