Thursday, October 2, 2014

Garden Maze...What was I thinking?

Well the next UFO I pulled from the pile is a Garden Maze. I think I started it about 2000. The original pattern was done in 2 fabrics. I wanted to do mine in Batiks and of course I didn't want to just stick to two fabrics. So I decided that each section should have a different batik fabric.
What was I thinking???????
 That meant that each of those little pointy diamond sections was composed of a square and 2 triangle units that were actually 2 sections of the little cross blocks that you see in the I had to do lots of figuring out and construct each section of the block after I had done the block before it. There was certainly no chain sewing on this quilt.
 Once I got it 3 blocks x 4 blocks I said to myself...."Well, I think this quilt is as big as it's going to be!"
 I framed the quilt center with a narrow black inner border, then cut up all my left over batiks into 2" strips and made the piano keys border. I had some extra cross blocks and decided to use those in the corners instead of mitering my piano keys border. 
This quilt will have a black binding....which is already made! 
 My sister loves this quilt. Actually, she loves anything made with Batiks. LOL
I finished this quilt days ago, but got busy making some microwave mitts and also made myself a jacket. I kind of forgot about updating my blog.

Oh, and I did pull out another UFO and hang it on my design wall. And I have that "rule" that once something goes up it has to be completed....I am not allowed to take it down and put it away again. But this next one has not been calling to me. I want to put it away. 
I just might make an exception to my rule. If I am not motivated to work on this quilt I just might pull out another to work on. I don't want to lose my MOJO and get stalled in reaching my goal of 30 quilts in 30 weeks. I was on such a roll.

Quilty Hugs, 